The Eleanor & Franklin Roosevelt Democratic Club was founded in 1976 to further the principles and platform of the Democratic Party and to elect its candidates in general elections.
Donations are used to support the Club's activities and advocacy. Because the Roosevelt Democratic Club is a political organization, donations are not tax-deductible.
Make a donation today by credit or debit card by choosing the appropriate option below:
General Fund donations provide unrestricted support for outreach, organizing, and Club activities:
- Fala Fund donations are used to make political donations in support of the Democratic Party and individual Democratic candidates on behalf of the Club.
Or simply mail your membership to the address below:
Eleanor & Franklin Roosevelt Democratic Club
P.O. Box 824
Greenbelt, Maryland 20768
Make sure to include your name, address, email, phone#, occupation and employer as these are required disclosures for political contributions.
Authorized by Eleanor & Franklin Roosevelt Democratic Club - Emmett Jordan, Treasurer