Get on the Bus: District 22 Night in Annapolis!
Due to circumstances beyond our control,
District 22 Night in Annapolis has been canceled!We do apologize for the last-minute notice.
Please stay warm and wish our State Senator and Delegates well. They will need our support through the difficult times we face over the next four years.
Join the Eleanor & Franklin Democratic Club on Monday, January 20th at the Governor Calvert House (58 State Circle).
Our District 22 State Senator Alonzo Washington and Delegates Williams, Healey, Martinez are organizing the event, featuring:
- Special MLK Day speaker (surprise guest) at 6 pm
- Light dinner & refreshments provided
- State Capitol visit at 8 pm
- Bus departs 5 pm from Greenbelt Library (rear) - Roundtrip cost: $10
RSVP required (limited space):
Delegate Nicole Williams 410-841-3058 or [email protected]
2024 Annual Meeting and Holiday Celebration
The Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt Democratic Club invites the community to their Holiday Celebration and Annual Meeting:
Friday, December 20, 2024, at 7 PM
Greenbriar Condominiums Terrace Room
7600 Hanover Parkway, Greenbelt, MD 20770.Our special guest will be Dr. Charlene Dukes, 1st Vice-Chair of the Maryland Democratic Party and former President of Prince George's Community College.
All are welcome to attend this evening of civic engagement and holiday cheer. See you there!!!
Jet Guerrero - Club President
Our Annual Community Appreciation Cookout!
October 6th: 3-5pm
Schrom Hills Park
6915 Hanover Parkway, Greenbelt, MD 20770The club will supply hot dogs, burgers, and surprise speakers! This event is open to members and non-members. Please bring a side dish.
Share this invitation with your neighbors!!!
SAVE THE DATE:Oct. 17 Phone banking for AlsobrooksOct. 19 Canvassing for Alsobrooks
2024 Greenbelt Labor Day Festival
Fellow Democrats,
I would like to personally invite you to the Labor Day Parade on September 2, 2024 along Crescent Road in Greenbelt.
The Greenbelt Labor Day Festival will take place August 30th thru September 2nd. The Festival provides opportunities for the Roosevelt Club to raise our profile and to organize for the coming year!!
Also, please consider volunteering at least an hour for our booth during the entire festival beginning August 30 in the afternoon. Just show up ! I will be there Friday and Sunday evenings!
Come join us Monday, September 2nd, as we march in the Greenbelt Labor Day Parade. We'll meet at 9:30am on Crescent Road, close to the Baptist Church. The Parade will start at 10 AM sharp.
Please wear club t-shirts, any BLUE shirt and bring small US flags. Let's make our support for Kamala Harris and the rest of the Democratic candidates ring loud and clear as a club.
See you there, my friend.
For the defense of democracy,
Jet Guerrero
Eleanor & Franklin Roosevelt Democratic Club
Night at the Baysox Fundraiser August 3rd, 6:30pm
The Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt Democratic Club and the Young Men's Democratic Club of Prince George's County are working together on a Night at the Bowie Baysox event on August 3 at 6:30 pm.
Scan the QR code below or go to this page ( https://fevo-enterprise.com/event/Eleanor2 )and use the "Get Tickets" button to purchase tickets on-line!
The tickets are priced at $35 (includes admission and $15 worth of stadium food coupons). Call or text Club President Guillermo "Jet" Guerrero at (240) 919.0803 for more information.
Emmett Jordan published May 2024 Meeting - District 22 Legislative Update in Home 2024-07-24 02:20:10 -0400
May Meeting - District 22 Legislative Update
Fellow Democrats,
It's time for our Legislative Update from our District 22 Democratic Delegation in Annapolis. I encourage members and the general public as well to join us in this event.
Please see the details in our official flyer below.
For democracy,
Guillermo "Jet" Guerrero
Club President
Emmett Jordan published March 2024 meeting - Women's History Month Program in Home 2024-03-08 16:32:59 -0500
March 2024 meeting - Women's History Month Program
Sunday, March 17 - 7 pm
Greenbriar Condo Association Building - Terrace Room
7600 Hanover Parkway, Greenbelt, MD 20770Greetings and Happy Women's History Month! We hope that you are well and enjoying our spring weather. We want to personally invite you to our March 17, 2024 General Membership meeting in celebration of outstanding leaders in the Greater Greenbelt area.
We have confirmed the attendance of four leaders in our area: Councilmember Kony Serrano-Portillo of Edmonston; Mayor Tem Kristen Weaver; Councilmember Jenni Pompi; and Councilmember Danielle McKinney.
Use this link to RSVP
Emmett Jordan published February2024 - Black History Month Program in Home 2024-02-17 15:17:36 -0500
February 2024 Meeting - Black History Month Program
Friday, February 23 - 7 pm
Greenbriar Condo Association Building - Terrace Room
7600 Hanover Parkway, Greenbelt, MD 20770Dr. Dennis Doster is the featured speaker. He will speak on the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Dennis A. Doster is the director of the M-NCPPC Black History Program. Dr. Doster has close to 15 years of experience in the field of public history. He has worked for the National Archives, the Johns Hopkins University, and the Alexandria Black History Museum. Additionally, he is an adjunct professor in African American studies, history, and women’s studies at the University of Maryland, College Park and the University of Maryland, University College.
Follow this link to RSVP
CANCELED: District 22 Night Annapolis Reception
We are canceling tonight's event because of the projected inclement weather.
We've received numerous RSVP cancelations and UMBC President Ashby will not be able to attend,
so out of an abundance of caution, we are going to CANCEL the event.Stay tuned for details on rescheduling or refunds.
District 22 Annapolis Reception
January 15th, 2024 - 6pm to 7:30pm
Governor Calvert House
58 State Circle - Annapolis, MD 21401For information about the program, contact BreAna Bell-Freeman in Delegate Nicole Williams office at [email protected] or call (410) 841-3058
Reminder: It's time to renew your membership for 2024!
December 2023 Holiday Gathering & Meeting
Our December General Body Meeting & holiday gathering will take place on Sunday, December 17th from 3-5pm in the Greenbriar Community Building at 7600 Hanover Parkway in Greenbelt.
County Councilmember Ingrid Watson will swear in the Club's Executive Board and share remarks about her legislative work on behalf of Prince Georges' County District 4.
Sunday, December 17th from 3-5pm
Greenbriar Community Building
7600 Hanover Parkway - Greenbelt. MD 20770Please join us for the festive occasion!
You can RSVP using this link.
Roosevelt Club Cook-out 10/7 2-5pm Schrom Hills Park
Join us for our annual Membership Appreciation Cookout
October 7th - 2-5pm
Schrom Hills Park - Greenbelt, MD 20770Bring a dish to share!
2023 Greenbelt Labor Day Festival
The Greenbelt Labor Day Festival will take place September 1st thru 4th. The Festival provides opportunities for the Roosevelt Club to raise our profile and to organize for the coming year!!
Come join us Monday, September 4th, as we march in the Greenbelt Labor Day Parade.If you would like to walk with us, let us know by rsvp'ing using this link. We'll meet at 9:30am on Crescent Road, close to the Baptist Church. The Parade will start at 10 AM sharp.
Need a T-Shirt or Polo shirt to wear in the parade? Please contact us at [email protected] or at (301)345-9369.
Night at the Baysox's Fundraising Event
Join us for our Bowie Baysox baseball game fund raising event on June 17th!
Tickets are $40, which includes a box seat ticket and $15 BaySox Bucks for food or the gift shop.There's a $7 online processing feeYou must purchase tickets in advance before Friday June 16th, 2023. You can use this link to buy a ticket
Or contact Konrad Herling at (301)345-9369 before June 14th for ticket information.
May 2023 Meeting - Legislative Update!
Our Monthly General Body Meeting will feature
District 22 Senator Washington and Delegates Healey, Williams, and Martinez.
They will provide a recap of this past legislative session and answer questions.
Greenbelt Community Center
Second Floor RM 201
15 Crescent Rd. Greenbelt, MD 20770
Sunday, May 21st 3pm.RSVP HERE!
April General Body Meeting
JOIN THE Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt Club as we focus on the organized labor movement!!!
Featuring Speaker: James Lou Spencer
Assistant Business Manager, Plumbers & Gasfitters of Local #5
April 21st, 2021 at 7:30 pm at
UA Local #5 Plumbers And Gas Fitters Facility
5000 Forbes Blvd. Lanham, MD. 20706
Directions from Greenbelt:
Take Hanover Parkway all the way to route 450. Make a left and when you get to Forbes Blvd make a right and The Training facility will be on your right.
Carpooling is Suggested
March 2023 meeting
Due to circumstance beyond our control, our March meeting is canceled! Our keynote speaker, Lt. Governor Aruna Miller, will be rescheduled for a later date.
February 2023 Meeting
Please join us for the Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt Democratic Club meeting on February 17th, 2023 at 7:30pm at the Greenbriar Community Building, 7600 Hanover Parkway Greenbelt MD 20770. Use this link to RSVP